Friday 24 January 2014

Date change: February Market in March!

Attention!!! We've had a date change for our first market for 2014, and have pushed the market back to March 1st. The cushion CONcert will hopefully be on for March, people will have rested from the summer holidays and back to school frenzy, and our lovely makers will have made a whole bunch more fabulousness for you to admire!  Stick it in your calendar for March 1st, and we'll see you there.  For now, enjoy the last bits of the Summer Holidays x

Thursday 23 January 2014

The Makers Market in February

Join us for our summer Makers Market on Saturday February 1 from 10-2.

It's our first market for the year and will feature a bunch of our lovely makers as well as the fine sounds of the Northern Rivers Conservatorium's quarterly cushion CONcerts.

For more info on the stallholders who will be joining us on February 1, stay tuned to The Lismore Makers Market Facebook page throughout the coming week.